Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A rainy day in East Texas

Today was the first best rain since the end of June. Jacksonville got at least three inches during the night. Maybe this is the end of hot weather for sure.
The posted picture is of a skunk that was walking the grounds of UT Tyler when I got to work this morning. I stayed a good distance away.

The Podcacher duo (Sonny and Sandy of San Diego) have suggested a fun thing to do on the 12th day of the month. It is called "12 of 12". That is, 12 images of your daily slice of life on the 12th day of the month. Mine are posted on Flickr: August 2008 12 of 12

I did find a geocache on the UT Tyler campus that I had not found yet. It is called "Logically Speaking #3: Turtle Lake". It is a puzzle cache and I had to solve the puzzle in order to get the coordinates of the cache.

The forums at Scan East Texas are up and running according to Josh, KE5FGC. It is great that something like this has been established since I have not had the time or technical know-how to do this with NETARE. Support this new venture. In the near future I hope to have a better website and forum page for NETARE. The site is http://scaneastexas.com

Well, that is it for now. I am sifting through new scanner notes and will post to NETARE, Scan East Texas and Radioreference.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting serious about geocaching

I recently purchased a Garmin Oregon 200 to do paperless geocaching. It is a combination GPSr and PDA. You can store geocaching information (descriptions, hints, etc.) for different geocaches. After generating gpx pocket query files from http://www.geocaching.com/ (you need to be a registered user to do this), you can then load those gpx files directly to the unit by USB cable. I will be able to do some serious geocaching. Keep checking back here for updates!